1) The Gweneviere. I have to admit that I semi-like the cut/shape/outline/drape/shoulders aspects of this dress from afar. But the celtic/ropey/medallion pointing at the hoo-ha situation is unrecoverable from, I'm afraid.

2) The Semi-Modern Scottish Lass: Um. Yeah. I don't really know if this is a thing thing, or a joke thing. Because. Um. Yeah.... though I do so especially love the crude stitching, the semi-ripped layer of fabric below the waste, and the wee splay of lace above the one breast. Utterly fascinating. And also something vaguely whore-ish about it... No, wait - Wench, that's the word. She looks like what I imagine a true (tried and true, ba dump bump ching!) wench would look like.

3) The Scottish Amby. Dudes, I could totally grandstand this! Love the cut, love the ribbon band at the top (in a more peacocky or tartany color), love the little shrug* she's got going on. Also love that I think that could be me in the photo, due to the fact that it actually looks like Tina Yothers from Family Ties, to whom I was always always always being compared in the long-ago 80s, and therefore could potentially have ended up looking like, not unlike this brilliant Scottish gal.

4) The Strangely Attracted To You Lacy Layers Dress. I would be a lying liar if I said anything other than: I totally adore this dress. And I could not for the life of me give you a good reason, except that I think the whole layers of strange and clashing lacy fabric thing is just completely odd and cool. Like Molly Ringwald's otherwise ugly dress in Pretty in Pink, this shmata is like some kind of magic made out of the scraps of things far more ordinary. I have fantasies about running around the city collecting bits and bolts and leftover remnants, buying some godawful 80s gown with puffy sleeves and lace and beads and hearts and gauze and ugh, and ripping it all up and sewing it all back together into a strange and beautiful layer cake of a Frankenstein dress like this one. Too bad I'm only a very very very moderate sewer (as of my last sewing class... in eleventh grade).

There are more, of course, but nothing to write blog about. There is a weird trend in the British wedding attire that I would like to point out to you, but I can't quite put my finger on. I will try, though, at some point, because it's just so odd. I really can't find the words. And you know, maybe it's not odd, maybe it's just that those weddings are more au natural, and I'm used to the augmented stylings of all these blogged weddings, so it's hard for me to understand what I'm touching, I mean looking at anymore. Hm.
* I have a whole thought/plan about a shrug or wrap situation, but that will have to be another post.
1: You will regret it forever. Too LOTR, right? I'm thinking of that fairy that Cate Blanchett played... However, the shape is really nice.
ReplyDelete2) No. Leave the plaid to the kilt.
3) I think that's really pretty - love the shrug and I love the red trim.
4) I can definitely see the appeal - I am drawn to this one too. But I think it could go horribly wrong very easily. As Tim Gunn would say, "that's a whole lotta look"!
Of all the dresses you have posted I am most fond of the Tina Youthers look-alike gown (LOVE the red trim, and SHOES!), the white dress with the peacock-inspired trim, and the white dress with the blue sash in your first post (I think the caption said something about smouldering hotness and needing to be ripped off the bride--INDEED!).
ReplyDeleteThese all seem kilt-friendly, and I love the idea of a more simple silouhette accented with a bright color of sash/shoes (perhaps a color that ties in with the kilt? Bright Blue? Emerald Green?).
Funny thing, two of those dresses are ours ;)
ReplyDeleteIt is always a good thing to read about yourself, especially if it is critics. N ice blog! I like the style.
best regards