Thursday, June 9, 2011

Honeymoon in London!

No, we didn't honeymoon. Yet. We had one perfect night (very tired, but pretty perfect) in the house alone, although we both had work to do and there was an animal scrabbling around under the stairs at the crack of dawn and I saw a rattlesnake and had a million dishes to do. But our time together was peaceful and sweet.

But it looks like London will be a good place for a belated honeymoon trip in the fall. We are not beachy people. I mean, we love sunshine and water and boats and oceans and being by the seaside, but we're not Hawaii/Bermuda/Arruba/Accapulco/Cayman Islands/Caribbean types. Bikinis and beach towels and sunscreen and scuba and sunning on the sand? Not so much either one of us, like, at all.

But Europe? Where the history comes from? London and the sites and the museums and the architecture and the history and the pubs and the theater and the walking and the global cosmopolitan sensation of it all? Yes, please.

We'll use our up-close-and-personal London Connection at Elegant Retreats International to review and book a self-catering holiday apartment in a great location near a tube stop (probably South Kensington? Maybe Chelsea or Knightsbridge? I have always been of the opinion that renting an apartment in London, or any city, really, is so much better than booking hotels for the fact that there's a kitchen, and living room, and autonomy, and the ability to pretend to be a local for the week or weeks we're there. In this case, we'll try to live like a Londoner, really, but without the extreme rent, ha ha.

Itinerary to be determined, but there's no shortage of great stuff to see and to do in London, so now to the fun of planning! All tips/hints/advice is welcome!

Happy travels, mon amies!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wedding Shmedding Bedding Begetting Heading Sledding

So I realized that I never came back and updated any details about the event. Chances are, if you are reading this, you were there and I know you had a good time, right? Right. (Good answer). I've had a terrible time getting the photos together, mostly because I have to sit down with my Dad and sort through all the raw photos so he can then work on them tirelessly in photoshop and print them and what have you. It will happen. Eventually. In the meantime, a lovely little Renbird printed an amazing sepia-toned pic of me and the hubs that I love and that adorns our mantle like an old-fashioned portrait of yore. I love it so much.

Incredibly, we're approaching one year - it's gone by SO FAST - and there's lots of activity around here - new businesses and race cars and traveling and keeping up with work. But I will get to the photos. Perhaps I'll even write a bit of a recap of the event, since god knows my memory is beginning to fade, and I'm already filling in unreliable details into the alcohol and stress-induced gaps in the evenings activities. Whatever. In short: It was hot, it was delicious, it was magical, it was full of my most favorite people, and while there were a lot of shoulder-shrugging-ooops-I-forgot-tos in retrospect, it was pretty perfect anyway. In fact, it was exactly what I hoped it would be. Except with too many dishes to do the next day. Note to self: Next time ditch the port-o-potty and hire cleaners!